25.8 C
Sunday, June 2, 2024



Potential Norway oil and gas strike may hit output, employers say

Norway’s petroleum output could be reduced if workers go on strike on Sunday, the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association (NOG) said on Friday. Some 845...

Employers slam German docker strikes as ‘absolutely irresponsible’

Strike action in the late shifts of Thursday evening crippled the Hamburg container terminals at HHLA and Eurogate, adding to the congestion crisis impacting...

Groups urge White House to engage in ports labour negotiations

The American Apparel & Footwear Association, the Retail Industry Leaders Association and the Travel Goods Association jointly sent a letter this week to President...

Workers at 5 German ports walk out in a ‘warning strike’

Workers at the Port of Hamburg, Europe’s third-largest container port and the largest railway port, have followed through on their threat of a strike. In...

Flexport lays off 50 employees in restructuring

Freight forwarder Flexport has forgotten customers' needs in its pursuit of growth, the company tells US media Techcrunch in the wake of layoffs.

Workers on Shell’s Prelude FLNG to Start 12-day Strike on Friday

Workers on Shell Plc's Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility off Western Australia are set to begin 12 days of industrial action on...

US importers urge White House to steer west coast labour talks to conclusion

Worried about possible failure of the current contract negotiations between labour and employer groups on the US west coast, several importer organisations have joined...

Manufacturers Call on Biden to be Involved in Longshore Contract Talks

With the labor agreements for longshore services at West Coast ports due to expire in three weeks, a collation of manufacturing associations is again...

Key outcomes from Maritime Labour Convention’s Special Tripartite Committee meeting (5-13 May 2022)

The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 came into force in August 2013 with an aim to ensure that seafarers are guaranteed equal and acceptable...

Ports introduce back-up plans as 25,000 truckers strike in South Korea

Unionised truck drivers in South Korea went on strike today, demanding that freight rates which guarantee basic wages must be achieved. The Safe Trucking Freight...

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