Though global piracy has fallen to its lowest levelin three decades, robbery remains a problem in the waters of the Singapore Strait, as illustrated...
Freight Investor Services (FIS), a world-leading broker in freight and commodity futures markets, has announced that it completed its first ‘Blue carbon’ trade in...
US DOJ seized the tanker and linked the Singapore shipowner to sanction violations including oil transfers to North Korea (US Department of Justice photo)
Global Energy Trading Pte Ltd (“GET”), Stellar Ship Management Services Pte Ltd (“Stellar”), wholly owned subsidiaries of Global Energy Group, along with Bureau Veritas...
Pipelines conveying natural gas from Indonesia to Singapore have been unaffected so far by an oil tanker grounded nearby, said the Energy Market Authority...
Pursuant to Reg 45 (2) of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Port) Regulations, the Port Master hereby restricts all vessels from transiting,...
An order has been placed for the first dedicated methanol bunkering ship that will operate in Singapore. According to the team developing the vessel,...
Global Energy Trading (GET) and Stellar Shipmanagement Services have teamed up with Bureau Veritas to build and class Singapore’s first dedicated methanol bunkering vessel.
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore informed about a restriction regarding all vessels from transiting, anchoring or remaining in a specific area within...